DC Hillier
While studying for his film studies degree at the Ontario College of Art & Design DC Hillier was first exposed to design. It was during this time that DC enrolled in several design courses which fostered a growing interest to the world of design and architecture. It was also at this time DC began collecting. Needing furniture and being a poor student DC would hit the thrifts, charity shops, and even the occasional roadside pile and dumpster to rescue pieces. These broken pieces of furniture, which he would restore were, more often than not, items designed in the 1950’s and 1960’s and from there a love of MCM design was born.
DC began studying this period of design and upon graduating from art school with a degree in film studies he was also now educated in the world of Mid Century Modern and International Modernist design.
As well as working as an interior designer, DC has remains an ardent collector with a focus on specific styles and eras. With his knowledge and expertise of the period he has given talks on Modernism, consulted on several publications, and sits on the Collections Committee of the Design Exchange, Canada design museum. However, DC can still sometimes be found waste-deep in a dumpster should something catch his eye!
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